Thursday, September 25, 2014


Plyometric exercises are a great way to develop explosive power and speed. A component of training which is necessary in many sports, but can also be helpful in everyday life.
Upper body as well as lower body plyometric drills can be done also to achieve power. In the video I'm performing some single leg jumps which will help improve power as well as strengthen the leg muscles. I then follow with some high box jumps and I finish with some side to side bounding which is especially good for developing speed as well as agility.

Training your body to be reactive with power and quickness is always a plus. It is always a component of training I keep in every clients workout program

Friday, September 19, 2014

Healthy Fats!

A few of the many healthy fats that I like to consume in my daily diet.
Healthy fats have some great benefits such as:
Better brain function,
Fat loss! - yes fat loss there is recent study's that show having a diet higher in healthy fats and lower in carbs helped to aid in fat loss as well as improving metabolism.
Better Skin and eye health,
Reduced cholesterol and heart disease,
More muscle - as fats help boost the hormone testosterone.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

A Few Of My Favourite Warm Up Drills!

Side lying windmill - a great mobility exercise for your thoracic spine/ upper back as well as your shoulders.

Lateral lunge with overhead reach -combination of hip mobility and adductor/inner thigh flexibility as you work in a frontal/side plane of motion. Bringing the arms up overhead opens up the shoulder girdle, which can be very beneficial for individuals who sit at a desk all day.

Lateral high knee skip - dynamic side to side movement drill that will help fire up your Central Nervous System (CNS) and get your body ready for action.The CNS consists of your brain and spinal cord. Which acts as a processing unit for your body as it controls all the activities of all parts of the body. This is also an excellent drill to perform before a high intensity training session such as sprinting etc,

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


I picked up nice bright purple colored Eggplant from the farmers market today. I enjoy eating them a lot at this time of the year.
I tend to bake my eggplants along with some everyday seasoning and garlic powder.
They are in season now so I make the most of it and grab some while I can.

Egg plants contain a good amount of fibre, minerals and vitamins. But also being high in antioxidants, eggplants can also help prevent cancer and lower cholesterol.
It's worth purchasing some now while in season if you if wanna try it!