Saturday, July 12, 2014

Core/ab Finisher!

I added a nice workout finisher at the end of my strength training session yesterday which included two very effective core/ab exercises along with some jump rope in a circuit.

The first was KB suitcase carries using a heavy weight. Suitcase carries is one of many loaded carrying variations that I love as they are excellent functional exercises that transfer well to real world application.
When doing these keep a nice tall posture with shoulders square and walk. Your core is gonna work harder to stabilize as you try to resist lateral flexion/ side bending.
Then I did the Cross Body Mountain Climber which is one of my favorite variations of the traditional mountain climber. While in a plank position keeping your spine neutral, hands underneath your shoulders. Bring each knee into hip flexion/towards the opposite shoulder while keeping a flat back.

Circuit in order:
1 arm heavy KB/DB suitcase carry 30sec each left and right.

15sec rest

Cross body mountain climbers (slow) 30sec

15 sec rest

Jump rope 30sec

15sec rest

Complete circuit 4 times through. This is a nice bit of conditioning to plug in at the end of your strength training session and will build a strong core and melt away some body fat to give you some lean looking abs.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Cherries and their Health Benefits!

Finally the cherries are in at our local farmers market!
At this time of the year when in season cherries are a great fruit for snacking, as they have some great health benefits.

They are loaded with antioxidants which help to fight free radicals in the body and may help prevent cancer and heart disease as well as slow your aging process down.

If your goal is fat loss or just trying to stay lean, because cherries are high in fiber eating a serving can keep you fuller for longer.

Some research I have read is that cherries can reduce post workout/after workout muscle soreness,when taken directly after. Whether it be drinking actual cherry juice or eating a serving of raw cherries.

Also cherries have been linked to helping to aid sleep as they contain melatonin, which is a hormone in the body that helps to regulate sleep.

I know I will be taking advantage of this super fruit at this time of the year and if you are not already doing so, you should to!