Sunday, June 29, 2014

Combination Exercises!

I’m a big fan of combination/total body exercises as you can target several muscle groups in one big movement. Combining your upper, lower body and core can burn a lot of calories as well as boost your metabolism. In the video one of my clients is performing a reverse lunge to 1 arm landmine press, which is a challenging combination. I first learned this variation from strength coach Eric Cressey as I thought this was a cool combination.I love the landmine especially for the way it challenges your core/trunk through different planes of motion.

A couple benefits you can get from combination exercises are:

Improved balance and coordination

Burn fat and build total body muscle

I like to always include a combination exercise of some sort in my own workout plan as well as my clients workout routine especially if there
goal is fat loss.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Warm Ups!


Before I start my workouts I always like to have a good thorough warm up which will help to increase blood flow to the muscles, recruit more muscle fibers and raise the body’s core temperature. The warm up will consist of some mobility and activation work which addresses some of the problematic areas of the body such as the ankle, hips, thoracic spine and shoulders. Dynamic movement drills like for example carioca, high knee skips as well as foam rolling/soft tissue work to loosen muscle fascia and get rid of any knots in the muscle. I normally foam roll each muscle group for around 15-30 sec. So a step by step process in order will look like this:

  • Foam roll to loosen the muscle fascia and to get rid of any knots in the muscle.
  • Mobility and activation work to help increase range of motion
  • Dynamic movement drills

This type of warm up procedure is what I typically do with my clients. In all the warm up can take around 10min, but it’s a warm up guaranteed to get you fired up and ready for your workout a lot more effectively than you just jumping on the elliptical/treadmill for 5mins and then doing a few arm swings.


Friday, June 13, 2014

Deadlift To Get Strong!

If you are about to start a strength training program with a goal of getting strong. The one exercise you want to make sure you include in that plan is the Deadlift. Personally, I would say the deadlift is the king of all strength exercises and definitely my favorite. Whether it be Sumo (wide stance) or the traditional stance or even the trap bar deadlift, all variations serve a great purpose. In  the video I was performing my personal best which was my 1 rep max 217kgs/ 477lbs on a raw deadlift, which meant  no belt or lifting straps. Which I was more than happy with my end result. I completed this while finishing phase 4 of Eric Cresseys High Performance Handbook which is a excellent resource. As a Personal Trainer I'm constantly reading, learning and expanding my knowledge base. I like to learn from the best strength coaches out there and Eric Cressey is one of them. My personal goal with this particular  training plan was to get as strong as I could without using any lifting aids like belts/straps etc.

Some of the benefits you get from this one exercise:

Strengthening of the muscles of your posterior chain/ backside of your body which would include your glutes,hamstrings,calves, lower back, spinal erectors, trapezius and also your forearms and core.

Increased grip strength

Increase in testosterone and growth hormone release, Which equals more overall muscle mass.

Great functional exercise with real world application.

Remember its crucial to keep good form and technique when practicing the deadlift to prevent injury. If you have never or don't know how to perform a deadlift I would highly recommend seeking a professional.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Quick and Easy Nutrient Rich Lunch

Quick and easy nutrient rich lunch before I start my afternoon shift!!

Baked sweet potato,baked organic chicken breast, Earthbound farms Zen salad blend,tablespoon of pumpkin seeds and sundried tomatoes, then to top it off one of my favorite dressings two tablespoons of Maple mustard by Steve's club Paleo chef. Trust me this is a great tasting dressing with no junk added just like the label says all natural ingredients,highly recommend it.

The reason why this lunch was quick and easy is because I had already done some meal prepping for the week. So my chicken and sweet potato was already baked and stored in my refrigerator. All I had to do is grab my salad and dressing. Prepare some of your healthy meals for the week ahead it makes life so much easier!
Photo: Quick and easy nutrient rich lunch before I start my afternoon shift!!

Baked sweet potato,baked organic chicken breast, Earthbound farms Zen salad blend,tablespoon of pumpkin seeds and sundried tomatoes, then to top it off one of my favorite dressings two tablespoons of Maple mustard by Steve's club Paleo chef. Trust me this is a great tasting dressing with no junk added just like the label says all natural ingredients,highly recommend it.

The reason why this lunch was quick and easy is because I had already done some meal prepping for the week. So my chicken and sweet potato was already baked and stored in my refrigerator. All I had to do is grab my salad and dressing. Prepare some of your healthy meals for the week ahead it makes life so much easier!

Did you have a nutritious lunch today,If so what did you have?