Monday, December 16, 2013

Delicious Chocolate High Protein Desert.

Not sure about you but I like a simple quick and easy recipes . I will be honest with you I do have a sweet tooth so im always on the look out for healthy treats/deserts to make that you and your family can enjoy without the guilt. So just the other day l came across this recipe from Biotrust. All natural chocolate pudding. I decided to give the recipe a try been as though I had all the ingredients to hand and it was excellent.It was packed with healthy fats, some fiber and quality protein. I wanted to share it with you as it was that simple to make I would highly recommend trying it.

You may be able to get away with using your favorite chocolate flavor protein, but I can't guarantee what the taste would be like. The ingredients in the photo is what I used. I made a modification and used my favorite gluten free chocolate chips which I normally use for baking. I did not use any sweetener as I found it was sweet enough.
Ingredients:*One ripe, small/medium avocado
*One small/medium banana
*2 scoops of Chocolate BioTrust Low Carb All-Natural Protein Powder
*1 packet of Stevia sweetener
*1/4 cup almond milk
*Dark chocolate chips (for topping)


Beginning with the almond milk, combine all ingredients in a blender or food processor and blend thoroughly until well combined and smooth.  Refrigerate for 30 mins.  Portion out into bowls and top with dark chocolate chips for a super healthy, protein packed delicious dessert!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Quality Footwear I recommend For Lifting Weights

Wearing the appropriate footwear when training with free weights and performing compound exercises such as Squats and Deadlifts, or any type of standing overhead  presses is something I always advise when I meet a new client with the goal of improving strength.
when it comes to the weight room I would always emphasize wearing  a flatter sole shoe that allows you to spread your feet and give you an even balance across the sole of your foot when performing a full squat meaning at least parallel if not deeper. The flatter soled shoe will give you a bit more ankle mobility so you can get down and drive yourself back up to the start position. Similar concept  with the deadlift just  being able to spread your feet and get closer to the ground can make a hell of difference.

The average gym user will be wearing a running shoe which is totally fine for running/jogging etc. But The running shoe has cushioning/compression system which is the support you may need when running but not for weightlifting . Footwear I would recommend that is multifunctional and I wear myself in the gym and when doing any HIIT, metabolic conditioning, sprints etc  and gives you lateral support meaning when performing  exercise moves where you lunge to the side or pivoting you will reduce the risk of  rolling your ankles and getting injured is,default,pd.html which is available for woman as well. 
A cost effective option is the Converse All Stars Other brands of footwear on the market like Vibram 5 fingers, Innov 8 can work well to, when performing lifts such as squats and deadlifts The main thing is to purchase cross training shoe versus a running shoe as the sole of the shoe of the cross trainer tend to have a lower and even heel to toe drop which will work well for you if you are going to be working out doing a mixture of functional activities.

If you practice Olympic weightlifting  moves  such as the snatch, cleans etc like my self,I would highly recommend a weightlifting shoe which also allows you to back squat and front squat pretty comfortably or Other brands of weightlifting shoes on the market that work well Ristos,Adidas, and Do-Win just to name a few. 

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Squats For A Stronger Lower Body

Fitness tip: Squat

The squat is a excellent functional movement that will build useful strength transferable to sport and every day life.The squat will hit all the major muscle groups of your lower body,hips,glutes,quads,hamstrings making it a compound exercise.As it is such a big lift you will gain some serious lower body strength and muscle and you will also burn a lot of calories.Whether it be a Back Squat,Front squat (which is what I'm doing in the photo) or even a Goblet Squat. Personally I think squats should always be in a strength training workout program.So If you are used to just sitting on the machines to do your leg exercises its time to stand up and get functional and squat.

 Photo: Fitness tip: Squat

The squat is a excellent functional movement that will build useful strength transferable to sport and every day life.The squat will hit all the major muscle groups of your lower body,hips,glutes,quads,hamstrings making it a compound exercise.As it is such a big lift you will gain some serious lower body strength and muscle and you will also burn a lot of calories.Whether it be a Back Squat,Front squat (which is what I'm doing in the photo) or even a Goblet Squat. Personally I think squats should always be in a strength training workout program.So If you are used to just sitting on the machines to do your leg exercises its time to stand up and get functional and squat.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Stay On Track With Your Health And Fitness Goals By Writing It Down In A Journal

Fitness Tip:
Keep track of your training and progress with a journal/diary.Writing it down is a great way to know that you are moving forward.Whether you are trying to gain more strength in the weight room,or trying to get a faster running time or whatever your personal goal may be.Just writing it down will make you see if you have improved since last week or even last month.Also having a plan of your workout session written down so you know what your are doing on your training day is better than just going to the gym and doing random exercises. I myself have been using a training journal for some years now.I'm old school! as I like to write things down. I plan and track all my clients training sessions just so we know we are moving forward towards there goal.So do your self a favour and invest in some simple pieces of equipment pen and a notepad and plan and track your progress in your training sessions